Raising the standards of pagination services
Guiding law firms in their pursuit of best service for excellent value
Supporting best practice amongst all member paginators
Leading the conversations that affect the pagination industry
Welcome to PAGE
PAGE was established by four industry leading firms within the pagination sector: Medical Records UK, Medical Clerical Bureau, Medical Record Collation and Silva Legal Services and has since had other pagination firms receive PAGE accreditation.
The purpose of PAGE is to promote professional standards and best practice in the preparation of medical records for use in litigation. The accreditation is open to all UK pagination companies, subject to assessment by an independent auditor.
PAGE accreditation gives law firms reassurance that their pagination work will be completed to a high standard of predefined criteria.

High Standards
We are confident that PAGE with its well-defined set of standards will become widely recognised as the benchmark for best practice in the pagination sector. This will in turn be beneficial to solicitors when selecting pagination services, and subsequently to experts and counsel when working with medical records throughout the lifespan of a case.